Open Statement of Baltic, Belarus and Georgian ICOMOS National Committees to Board of ICOMOS International Considering Ukraine

Open Statement of Baltic, Belarus and Georgian ICOMOS National Committees to Board of ICOMOS International Considering Ukraine

On behalf of ICOMOS Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Georgia, please find below our common letter to ICOMOS International Board concerning the situation in Ukraine.

We fully support the Statement on Ukraine by ICOMOS on February 24. We continue to follow the ongoing invasion in Ukraine of Putin’s regime as well as arrests of peaceful protesters against the war in the Russian Federation and Belarus. We applaud actions already taken by governments, organizations and citizens in support of Ukraine, but more needs to be done.

It obliges us to request additional actions from ICOMOS:
  1. to condemn the Russian Federation’s military invasion and war in Ukraine as crimes against humanity and war crimes
  2. to condemn Putin`s regime violations against Human Rights in Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
  3. to offer all help possible to Ukraine on behalf of ICOMOS International
  4. to not to conduct or support any international events in the Russian Federation, to ask UNESCO not to have meetings in aggressors’ territory
  5. to support any way possible the BlueShield International procedures regarding protected cultural properties in Ukraine
We pray for Ukraine and for all the lives of the soldiers and civilians involved in the war.


Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia, President

Katrina Kukaine, ICOMOS Latvia, President

Dainius Elertas, ICOMOS Lithuania, President

Stsiapan Stureika, ICOMOS Belarus, President

Nato Tsintsabadze, ICOMOS Georgia, President