Sustainable Rehabilitation of Heritage Site (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Sustainable Rehabilitation of Heritage Site (Tbilisi, Georgia)
The Programme is funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and Directorate of Cultural Heritage of Norway (Riksantikvaren)

Overall Objective of the project:
To support sustainable development process through heritage rehabilitation.

Specific Objectives:
  • To perform a full cycle of showcase restoration project in which high standard restoration principles shall be applied, traditional crafts and materials shall be used;
  • To achieve a “Learning by Doing” experience for a team of young local specialists working on restoration projects including among others: craftsmen, engineers, restoration architects, artisans, students, local community members, etc.
  • To disseminate knowledge through elaboration of a book of guidelines – manual on the restoration of Tbilisian dwellings that will be made available to all interested parties;
  • To establish a non-profit public foundation for the purpose of accumulating revolving funds for the restoration of historical sites of old Tbilisi.
  • Wider public awareness on social and economic values and benefits of authentic heritage rehabilitation.